Monday, March 3, 2014

Yelp opens up beta program via Google+

Nate Swanner

Fans of Yelp will now have the opportunity to join in on a beta program. Yelp has opened up a beta testing program, designed to have users test new features of their app ahead of a wider launch. Just by joining a community and being patient about a cutting edge app, you can get your eyes on some of the latest Yelp has to offer.

Just what those new features are remains to be seen. I signed up a few days ago and haven’t seen anything neat or cool yet. I do tend to rely on Yelp when out and about, though, so any tweaks they are making, I’m happy to try out.

It’s pretty easy to get involved, too. All you need to do is head over to their Google+ Community page (link below), and ask to join the community. We’re not sure if there is a limit to how many they’ll let in, but it didn’t take long for me to be accepted into the beta fold (15 minutes, and I’m not even exaggerating). From there, you’ll have to click a link on the community page that says you are ready and wiling to beta test. From there, it takes you to the Play Store, and that’s that. You’re beta testing!

Though nothing mind-bending has come of the program, it does show Yelp’s commitment to updating their app. As Google makes a hard press to get people reviewing in their cities, Yelp will have to bring in some new features to keep their footing. Still the best, and with incoming features, we suggest you head over to the beta community and sign up!

Source: Yelp on Google+
Via: Android Police


source: androidcommunity