Tuesday, March 4, 2014

XDA Xposed Tuesday: Wanam Kit AOSP Mods – XDA Developer TV


The Siren’s song on pure Google, AOSP-inspired Nexus devices tempts the Android enthusiast masses like an evil Succubus. We are attracted to her sweet melody: pure Android with no OEM or carrier bloatware to slow down your device, just the pure natural taste of refreshing Android pureness from the waterfall fountain of Google. However, that doesn’t make your phone perfect, as there may still be some tweaks that you prefer.

In this episode of XDA Xposed Tuesday, XDA Developer TV Producer TK reviews an Xposed Module that allows you to tweak your Nexus device.  XDA Recognized Developer wanam created the Wanam Kit Xposed Module. TK shows off the module and presents its key features, so check out this Xposed Tuesday video. And if you don’t have a Nexus device but own a Samsung TouchWiz device, you can also check out the Wanam Xposed Module.

Be sure to check out other great XDA Developer TV Videos

source: xdadevelopers