Wednesday, March 5, 2014

New Recent Apps Menu Available in SlimKat


In recent years, Google has introduced many goodies into Android. But bringing these new features doesn’t automatically mean that everything is fully streamlined—in fact, it’s often quite the opposite. One area that many would like to see some improvement in Android is the recent apps menu. Luckily, this was taken care of in OmniROM with OmniSwitch, but a totally different approach was presented by the SlimKat developers.

A totally reworked recent apps menu was presented by XDA Recognized Themer kufikugel, who did an amazing adding almost 3000 lines of code that are now available in the newest weekly. Much credit goes to Gabriele Mariotti, who made a base library used by the SlimROM Team and helped kufikugel with porting it to an AOSP build. The new recent apps menu differs from the original, consumes less memory, and offer a new way to preview your apps. A description would never be as accurate as the video, so here it is in action.

This new feature is available when installing anything later than the 3.4-WEEKLY-3166 version of SlimKat. You can find a download for your device by visiting your home device forum or project’s website.

[Thanks to XDA Recognized Developer cybojenix and XDA Recognized Contributor herna for the tip!]

source: xdadevelopers