Tuesday, March 4, 2014

LTE-toting LG G Pad 8.3 to launch March 6, exclusively on Verizon

LG G Pad 8.3

It costs less off-contract than the one without LTE. Wait, what?

It's only been a few months since the LG G Pad 8.3 was released, and now US buyers will be able to get their hands on a LTE-enabled version, so long as you're happy with Verizon. When we reviewed the G Pad 8.3 back in November we came away impressed by LG's efforts. It's a thin and sturdy tablet with a fantastic screen, and now all of that is coming to Verizon.

The LG G Pad 8.3 LTE (say that five times fast) is launching exclusively on Verizon's LTE network on March 6th — that's two days from now — and will be available for the first five days (until March 10) at a discounted price of $99.99 with a new, two-year contract. Yep, lock-in. After that, it's $199.99, still with a two-year contract. If you want it without a contract, but still on Verizon, you're looking at $299.99.

Yes, that's less than the $349.99 MSRP of the standard non-cellular LG G Pad 8.3 and the Google Play edition. Even if you weren't planning on going cellular with a G Pad 8.3 purchase, it might not be a bad idea to consider buying it from Verizon, just so you've got the radio there in case you change your mind. Unless there's a pending price drop for the non-LTE version coming up. Either way, not a bad deal here.


source: androidcentral