Saturday, March 8, 2014

CyanogenMod 11 M4 now pushing to download servers

Milestone builds more stable than nightlies, but not yet ready for prime time

M4 builds of CM 11 are getting pushed to servers tonight, according to a blog post from the folks over at CyanogenMod. The change log looks a little bit like this —

  • Immersive Mode – prevent accidental clicks on swipe gesture (EdgeGesture service)
  • Bluetooth LE – Wipower SDK apis, various fixes
  • System NavBar – Left Hand mode (landscape only – not available on tablets)
  • Motion Accelerometer support (device dependant)
  • Volume Panel – transparency support
  • Translations – new language additions, localization and long-string fixes
  • MediaPlayer – new apis for Suspend/Resume
  • CM Easter Egg
  • QuickSettings – volume Tile sync fix, Quick Config, Alarm tile shows alarms, User Profile fix
  • Recent Apps Panel – low-end device tweaks
  • Theme Engine – Fix crashes
  • Performance – Speed up booting on multi-core devices, add option to force high-end graphics option on low-end devices
  • Trebuchet – decouple icon mask and background (should fix some icon packs)
  • Settings – multiple hands-free device support
  • Privacy Guard – confirm on permission reset
  • Profiles – add expanded desktop support

The files are populating the download servers right now, and will continue through the night. You'll be able to find yours at CyanogenMod's download page when it's uploaded.

Source: CyanogenMod


source: androidcentral