Friday, March 28, 2014

Apps crashed most on Gingerbread, but Android is consistently more stable than iOS according to report

Samsung Galaxy S4 was most stable device, while the iPad 2 was the least stable

It's probably no surprise, but Android 2.3 Gingerbread was the least stable version of Android when it comes to causing app crashes. That's all improved since, however — according to a report from Crittercism, which monitors app usage on over a billion Android and iOS devices, the stability of Android apps surpasses that of iOS across the board in all software versions.

Android apps crashed an average of 1.7 percent of the time on Gingerbread, but the combination of Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean and KitKat crash just 0.7 percent of the time according to the report. By comparison, iOS 6 crashed a much higher 2.5 percent of the time, with iOS 7 cutting that down to 2.1 percent and iOS 7.1 to 1.6 percent. Even with those improvements that's still over double that of modern versions of Android, and not something your average person would actually think if they were asked which platform crashes more.

On the device side, the report finds that the Samsung Galaxy S4 was the most stable device they have data on with a 0.9 percent crash rate, while the highest was the iPad 2 at 2.6 percent. For different kinds of apps, graphically-intensive games naturally crashed the most, while e-commerce apps crashed the least.


source: androidcentral