Sunday, March 16, 2014

[APK Teardown] BBC iPlayer Gains Casting Ability, Likely Timed For Chromecast Launch On March 19


We learned yesterday that the Chromecast would finally make its grand entrance to our friends in the UK on March 19. While the recently finalized Google Cast SDK should leave them with plenty of ways to start using it right away, there's one app that definitely needed to take the plunge and add support: BBC's iPlayer. Well, it looks like the BBC had the same thought, because a recent update gives us solid evidence that Chromecast streaming is coming very soon.

The updated apk came out on March 13, making the jump to version 3.0, but only identifying "Bug fixes" in the changelog. Thanks to the watchful eyes of Sam Nalty and Gilly, we got a glimpse of new strings and graphic resources in iPlayer that match those of other apps with Cast support.

<string name="common_google_play_services_install_title">Get Google Play services</string>

<string name="casting_to_device">Casting to: %1$s</string>

<string name="not_currently_casting">Not currently casting</string>

<string name="cast">Cast</string>

<string name="dlg_no_cast_title">Cannot cast media</string>

<string name="dlg_no_cast_msg">This content is not available to cast. To watch locally you should disconnect from the cast device.</string>

<string name="cast_error_disconnect">Your device has been disconnected.</string>


Some of the newly added icons

Unfortunately, those with imported Chromecasts will have to wait a bit longer. The app is completely ready, but the BBC still has to turn on support before casting can commence. There are still no clues for exactly when this will go live, so just hang tight and keep checking in.

Congratulations to the couch potatoes across the pond, this should make your viewing experience pretty great! As a reminder, BBC iPlayer and all of its content is free to viewers in the UK.

Oh, and to the BBC: sorry to ruin the surprise, ol' chaps.

Thanks, Sam Nalty and Gilly!

BBC iPlayer

BBC iPlayer

33,348 ratings

by Media Applications Technologies for the BBC
5,000,000 - 10,000,000 downloads

Appears in a list of Best Nexus 7 Apps (rooted & non rooted)

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Cody Toombs
Cody is a Software Engineer and Writer with a mildly overwhelming obsession with smartphones and the mobile world. If he’s been pulled away from the computer for any length of time, you might find him talking about cocktails and movies, sometimes resulting in the consumption of both.

source: androidpolice