T-Mobile HTC One KitKat update now live and rolling out
565MB of KitKat sweetness is ready for your HTC One
Ealier we told you that the KitKat and Sense 5.5 update for T-mobile's HTC One would be pusing out "soon." Soon is now (h/t to Morrisey) and the update is live and pushing out.
Grab your HTC One — you did charge it up, right? — open the settings, and get to checking. I'm playing with the wife's, who just got her update, to see what I can see, but per T-Mobile, here's your changes:
- Android 4.4.2 update
- Security enhancements
- Cloud Print service
- New Bluetooth profiles
Sound off in the comments and let us know how it's running for you.
Thanks, Nick!
source: androidcentral