Saturday, February 1, 2014

Create your Own Routines and Stick with them with “Habbits”


Every New Year typically brings about a very rare phenomenon. No, I’m not talking about being plastered out of your mind. People tend to get in a certain mood—a mood that brings them hope and serenity about the upcoming year. Normally, people will look back at the previous year’s failures, and make plans to not fail again. That’s right, the New Year’s resolutions are here in full force. People all over the globe are hitting the gym, writing books, and looking for ways to get those raises they so feverishly deserve. But after January or February, it is back to regularly scheduled programming for many of them. In other words, resolutions go out the window or are simply forgotten and swallowed in the midst of everyday life.

The biggest problem with the resolutions is that most people lack discipline. And because of this, these resolutions simply fall through the cracks or are met with an unmatched sense of “meh… maybe later.” After doing some research and based on very sage advice from Mr. Jerry Seinfeld himself, XDA Forum Member scoderx0e decided that it was time to release a surefire way to motivate you into doing something and actually following through.

Habbits is the culmination of advice turned into programming. It is an app that will basically allow you to make yourself responsible for your own actions and accountable for not following through. The concept is the simple idea of crossing days off a calendar when you perform a certain action. The app allows you to set up a goal and track it on the built-in calendar with different colors for different outcomes. At the end of every month, you can see a summary of how well you followed your goal. Your only task in this is to try and complete an entire month with the same color. Once you get used to seeing full rows of the same color, your brain will automatically force you into those actions so that you don’t drop off.

If you are looking for someone/something to keep you accountable, now is your chance. Do keep in mind that the app is still in testing phases, so if you do have feedback, please share it with the dev. You can find more information in the original thread. Now, put your device down and go back to that treadmill!

from xda-developers