Sunday, July 21, 2013

Crescent Moon Games and Tasty Poison show off their upcoming FPS game Neon Shadow

Our friends over at Crescent Moon Games have given us a heads up on one of their next games that they will be publishing called Neon Shadow. This particular game is being developed by Tasty Poison Games and is a Doom inspired FPS title but set in a futuristic world instead of a rundown city and hell like Doom is.

While we don't have a ton of details about Neon Shadow just yet, what we can tell you is that aside from a full single-player mode, this game will also feature multiplayer, both co-op style as well as Death Matches. We also know that the entire soundtrack is being produced by the cyberpunk group called Abducted by Sharks which is a great name.
In this game you'll be playing as an agent who is sent to a space station to malfunctioning cybernetics. Unfortunately these creations end up becoming your enemy and now you'll have to take them out after creating them all.
Neon Shadow will be coming to both Android as well as Ouya in the near future. As for pricing, we don't know how much it will cost just yet but we do have some gameplay footage you can check out in the video below to tide you over.
Official Website: Tasty Poison - Neon Shadow