Monday, March 21, 2016

Samsung Gear S2 rumored to get iOS support by end of March

The Samsung Gear S2 may not be powered by Android, but it’s still a pretty excellent smartwatch to use with your Android device. And for those who have an iOS device alongside their Android device (or just own an iOS device in general), the Gear S2 may soon work with your Apple-made phone, too.

It’s not official yet, but rumors claim that the watch will be receiving an update with iOS support by the end of March, and an app will be released to the iOS App Store to connect and manage the watch. What features will be supported and how well it’ll work is unknown. We know Android Wear support on iOS isn’t always perfect, but hopefully Samsung has it figured out.

We’re already near the end of March, so if the rumor is true, the update should be coming any day now. With the Apple Watch being expensive and fairly unattractive (my opinion, but not an outlandish one), the round Samsung Gear S2 might be very appealing to iOS fans.

source: androidandme