Thursday, March 26, 2015

Using Google Play Books for all of your reading

Reading with Google Play Books isn't just convenient, it's easily one of the best color ebook experiences out there.

Now that the Google Play Store has established itself as a compelling one-stop shop for movies, music, book, and apps, it's easy to find yourself getting all of your entertainment from this one source. More than just offering a compelling retail experience, Google's Play Books service exists as a highly functional ebook reader as well. Google has worked hard to bolt on features wherever appropriate, and as one of the flagship apps for the new Material Design UI scheme it's easy to get sucked into this service as an Android user.

Using Google Play Books doesn't take much in the way of effort, but getting to know the features within may not be a priority if you're already embedded in another platform. With that in mind, here's a quick tour through what makes this ebook reader stand out.

source: androidcentral