Monday, November 24, 2014

T-Mobile adding 14 new services to Music Freedom, including Google Play Music

T-Mobile is expanding its Music Freedom catalog even further with 14 new additions. Music Freedom is T-Mobile’s program that allows any customers on a Simple Choice Plan to stream music through select services without having it affect their data plan. Services like Spotify, Rdio, and Songza have all been part of the program for several months now, but others haven’t been. The three most notable additions of today’s expansion are Google Play Music, SoundCloud, and Xbox Music.

The other services being added are Radio Tunes, Digitally Imported, Fit Radio, Fresca Radio, JAZZRADIO, Live365, Mad Genius Radio, radioPup,, ROCKRADIO, and Saavn. Aside from the big three, the other additions in this expansion are smaller, unique services that cater to a specific audience. T-Mobile has said that its goal is to cover every streaming service with Music Freedom.

What are your thoughts on Music Freedom?

source: androidandme