Monday, April 21, 2014

Android 4.4.3 referenced in update changelog of Google app

Despite the fact that the rumblings of an Android 4.4.3 update have grown in recent weeks, Google has yet to officially announce any new versions of KitKat beyond 4.4.2. However, a recent update to one of Google’s own apps has added support to the rumors that a bump up to Android 4.4.3 is in the works.

Last week, the Google Edu Device Setup app received an update to version 3.2.0. That may not sound terribly exciting, but there is an interesting nugget of information to be found in its “What’s New” section. It’s there that Google says that the app update includes “support for Android 4.4.3 and non-Nexus Tablets.”

This Google slip-up doesn’t reveal exactly what goodies the update to Android 4.4.3 will contain or exactly when it’ll launch. The fact that Google is updating its apps with support for Android 4.4.3 suggests that the upgrade could arrive soon, though, so I hope that you’re getting hungry for a fresh helping of KitKat.

source: androidandme