Monday, March 17, 2014

Take Command of Your Connectivity with Network Monitor


With the large number of applications that most of us have installed on our mobile devices, it’s often quite the struggle to know exactly what’s going on with your network connection. In addition to simply tracking usage to make sure you don’t get your connection throttled, it’s also a good idea to keep an eye on where your applications may be connecting.

In many ways, giving an application the “Full Network Access” is a bit like writing a blank check. And if you’re also giving the application access to your contact data or SD card, well, who knows where your data is going? With Network Monitor, which was presented by XDA Forum Member he_arslan on behalf of his developer friend, you can at least keep track of that last bit.

Network Monitor packs quite a bit of network analysis functionality into a single app. The tool allows you to perform basic tasks like monitor upload and download bandwidth, but it also allows you to see which IP addresses are active per application. It even query’s the destination IP address and shows its location to you on a map.

While Network Monitor can’t do anything about saving your data from being stolen in the first place (use Xprivacy for that), this application can at least keep you informed of what’s going on so you can decide whether an application is worth it. Make your way over to the application thread to get started.

source: xdadevelopers