Monday, March 3, 2014

Google Play Store Game Category Expansion Is A No-Show For February, Support Page Now Says March


Were you excited to hear the Google Play is getting an expanded list of game categories? Well curb your enthusiasm - the switch to the expanded list was tentatively scheduled for "February," but as one reader noticed, the new categories haven't been implemented yet. The relevant Play Store support page has been modified, and now it says that the change will come sometime "around March."


Switching from the old list of just six categories to an expanded 17 (which contain the original six plus more specific sub-genres) would be a boon to both Android users and developers. Currently searching for general apps on the Play Store is an exercise in frustration - for example, a Blackjack game under the new system would go in the Casino category rather than the far, far more general "Card & Casino" category currently in place, which is where everything from card battle games to memory matchers needs to be placed at the moment.

We've got no idea why Google delayed the switch, though it surely isn't as simple a procedure as you might think. Developers need to place their games in new categories (if applicable) or live with the more generic category said game is currently assigned. This is pure speculation, but perhaps too few of the thousands of game developers have actually gone through the pre-switch process to make the change effective. Whatever the reason, we'll be watching for the new game categories over the next four weeks.

Source: Google Play Store support - thanks, Kaero!

Michael Crider
Michael is a native Texan and a former graphic designer. He's been covering technology in general and Android in particular since 2011. His interests include folk music, football, science fiction, and salsa verde, in no particular order.

source: androidpolice